“They aren't my primary financial institution and I have accounts at several banks. I use the credit union here mostly for some savings. We also had a small car loan here.” – Donald Renwick, GTE FCU, Tampa, Fla., $1.9 billion, 233,425 members. “I have accounts at banks also but use the credit union on an almost daily basis.” – H.A. Bunin, First Choice CU, West Palm Beach, Fla., $143 million, 20,000 members. “Yes, although I do have small accounts at the corner bank, because the credit union has no branch near our home. – Lynda Smith, YOUR FCU, Dallas, $150 million, 17,647 members. “No, I have an account at Washington Mutual.” – Patrick Jackson, 1st Choice Credit Union, Atlanta, Ga., $16 million, 8,116 members. “No. I never thought about switching all my accounts to the credit union. It's too much work.” -Chandu Dani, The Coca-Cola Family Federal CU, Atlanta, Ga. $116 million, 12,888 members. “Yes, now it is. I love this credit union.” -Dave Ward, $1.9 billion Desert Schools FCU, Phoenix, 264,000 members. “No, Citibank and Chase are. One of the reasons I joined the credit union was in case I needed a car loan. -Jennifer Flynn, People's Alliance FCU, Hauppauge, N.Y., $198 million, 45,297 members. “No, Bank of America is. I get more up-to-date online services there and better rates on checking and stuff like that.” -Stacy Hipp, Palmetto Citizens FCU, Columbia, S.C., $243 million, 39,700 members. “We also have an account with a bank here, but the credit union account is our main account.” – Maynard Cross, Northeast FCU, Portsmouth, N.H. $393 million, 43,109 members. “Yes, we use them for everything but credit cards.” -Kerri Sorrells, Texans Credit Union, Richardson, Texas, $1.3 billion, 155,593 members. “Yes. They own all my school debt-student loan, credit card for school-and with good rates. I have an IRA with Fidelity, but I'm planning on moving it to Navy Federal. I also have a credit card with another financial services company for military people. -Sam Roberts, Navy FCU, Vienna, Va., $22 billion, 2.5 million members. “Absolutely. I do all my banking between two credit unions-no banks and the same is true for my wife and two children. My parents are also credit union members but they also have an account at Bank of America. Me, I don't see the necessity to use a bank when my credit unions do it all. Besides the banks charge you for having a checking account or to withdraw money – it is extortion!” – Emile Ganthier, SpaceCoast FCU, Melbourne, Fla., $1.1 billion, 121,000 members. “No, I have three banks.” -Laudelina Lahom, APL Federal Credit Union, Laurel, Md., $236 million, 14,997 members. “Yes it's my primary. I have three or four different accounts here, including a non-profit account. (O'Brien gained notoriety in South Florida for visiting Sri Lanka to offer his carpentry skills for free to tsunami victims. He set up an organization for that purpose, and the non-profit account is with the CU). – Kiernan O'Brien, The Credit Union of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Fla., $74 million, 17,350 members. “No. I probably should switch my services but I'm just lazy. I've had accounts at the other (financial institutions) for years. -Karen Hill, The Coca-Cola Family Federal CU, Atlanta, Ga., $116 million, 12,888 members. Are You Happy With Your Credit Union's Services? Is There Anything They Don't Offer You Wish They Did? ” I was a victim of identity theft so I only use a few services from the credit union now – savings, checking, direct deposit. I'd like to be able to use their credit card and debit card but I can't until I straighten out the problems caused by the identity theft.” – Albert Myers, First Choice CU, West Palm Beach, Fla., $143 million, 20,000 members. “ Overall I am happy, but the credit union is very big now and I think that has had an impact on how they treat members. Years ago, when my husband and I had a lot of debt, the loan officer at the branch sat down with us and let us know the credit union would work with us to better our situation. Now it seems very by the numbers and I am not sure whether they still do that.” -Karla McDuffie, Arlington FCU, Arlington, Va., $128 million, 13,500 members. “I couldn't be more pleased, and I can't think of any product or service they don't offer that I want or need. I would like to point out that if I'm not near a branch, they make it very easy to do all my business with the credit union by phone.” -Lee Wenthe, South Carolina FCU, North Charleston, S.C., $995 million, 138,000 members. “I'm ecstatic with them. I get good personal service. I can walk in and deal directly with staff members and not be treated like a number. They'll do anything they can to help you.” – Jill Chappell-Fail, Carolina Collegiate Federal Credit Union,Columbia, S.C., $57 million, 14,000 members. “I think credit unions are great, but it doesn't really suit my needs. I know I'm cheap-I'm not going to pay the $1.25 [service fee] if I know I can get cash free at Citibank or Chase, which are everywhere.” -Jennifer Flynn, Peoples Alliance FCU, Hauppauge, N.Y., $198 million, 45,297 members. “The customer service is perfect. I'm very happy. They probably don't have as many ATMs as banks offer, but that's not worth it to change to a bank.” – Rodney Romano, The Credit Union of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Fla., $74 million, 17,350 members. “I'm very happy with the products and services. I have most of my accounts such as my children's servicing accounts and three car loans. I wish they had a new fund for college. There was one issue when my purse was stolen. The (credit union) was great with helping me close out my old account and open up a new one. The branch is very convenient because it's right here in the hospital. I like the monthly education forums. I attend the annual meetings too. -Victoria Clegg, 1st Choice Credit Union, Atlanta, Ga., $16 million, 8,116 members. “I'm happy. They do as good of job as my other banks. They're quick to answer my questions. They're very involved.” -Lorraine Brown, The Coca-Cola Family Federal CU, Atlanta, Ga., $116 million, 12,888 members. “I'm happy. I wish the ATMs were up and running more consistently. There's one ATM that I go to on Panola. If that one's not working, I have to drive to another branch and be charged a fee. The credit union will reimburse you for the fee so it's not that bad but I still don't like having to drive out of my way.” – Lysander Herrod, Georgia FCU, Atlanta, Ga., $353 million, 76,393 members. “They're not personable. I like M&T Bank. Whenever I go there, everybody says hi to me. They are very personable. Everybody knows me there, even though my account is more here than there. I have a loan here, but nobody seems to know anybody here. At M&T, they're very personable, they know my name.” -Laudelina Lahom, APL Federal Credit Union, Laurel, Md., $236 million, 14,997 members. “The people are great and friendly and that new safe deposit entry system where I can get in on my own with my handprint is such a great benefit. I'd like to see an alliance with a national grocery store or something so when I withdraw money from an ATM in Indiana I don't get charged the fees charged by whoever owns that particular ATM. Like now if I use my card at Publix (in Florida) I don't get charged a fee. Also I'd like to be able to view my statements online for more than just three months back. It would also be great if they could speed up the process of holding large checks I mean with the technology today does it really need to be held for 7-10 days?” – Susie Milby, Eastern Financial FCU, Miramar, Fla., $1.6 billion, 193,503 members. “They already offer everything I need and I really like the remote teller station. At first I was taken aback but the people here showed me how to use it and it is great.” – Perpetua Galimba, Eastern Financial FCU, Miramar, Fla., $1.6 billion, 193,503 members. “I am very happy with the credit union. When we were first married, my husband and I didn't have the best credit. The credit union gave us a loan, a sizable loan of $27,000. My husband always wanted a Cadillac and the credit union gave us the loan. And everyone here is so courteous and friendly.” – Phyllis Gray, The Credit Union of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Fla., $74 million, 17,350 members. “I'm happy. I love their Saturday and extended hours. I haven't had the opportunity to use all of their services. I might consider them for an auto loan.” -Rick Ray, Georgia Federal CU, Atlanta, Ga., $353 million, 76,393 members. “So far, I'm happy. They have everything I need (but) I think if you're a member, you should be able to get a loan if you have payroll deduction. They need to bring that back to the credit union.” -Tim Rose,1st Choice Credit Union, Atlanta, Ga., $16 million, 8,116 members. Do You Know the Difference Between a Credit Union and a Bank? “Vaguely. A credit union has an affiliation and the bank's just a commercial firm. But, that's about all I know.” -Richard McEntire, APL Federal Credit Union, Laurel, Md., $236 million, 14,997 members. “No. They seem alike since they both handle money. I mean I guess I know some things like credit unions seem more family oriented because you can join a credit union if your mother or another family member belongs to one. – LaTasha Ward, Arlington FCU, Arlington Va., $128 million, 13,500 members. “A bank is owned by stockholders. A credit union is owned by members. -Tim Maher, The Credit Union of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Fla., $74 million, 17,350 members. “Off-hand, no. I know they explain it to you when you first come in. I think credit unions are great. They explain things a lot better and their rates are better, plus they are smaller. They are more convenient.” – Art Meza, South Coast Community FCU, Santa Barbara, Calif., $48 million, 7,325 members. “Not really. When you go into a bank, you are bound to wait in long lines. And you get hustled around to different people. I don't like that.” -Pat Damiani, TruWest FCU Scottsdale, Ariz.$643 million, 58,968 members. “Yes at a bank I'm just a number but at the credit union it is more personal.” – Val Lewis, Eastern Financial FCU, Miramar, Fla., $1.6 billion, 193,503. “Not really, no.” -Edgar Nixon, Arlington FCU, $128 million, 13,500 members. “All I know is that I get good service at my credit union and they have good loan rates. Banks are large institutions with boards of directors.” – Gary Geering, $1.9 billion Desert Schools FCU, Phoenix, 264,000 members. “Sort of. I know the rates are better at the credit union and since it's part of Johns Hopkins, I assume it's better for my paychecks and stuff like that.” – Mo Hashemian, APL FCU, Laurel, Md., $236 million, 14,997 members. “The major difference is the convenience. When I make a deposit I only have to write a deposit slip and little savings like the checkbook is free and this service and that service is free.” – Xun Zhu, APLFCU, Laurel, Md., $236 million, 14,997 members. “Credit unions are owned by individuals, banks aren't. They're made up of groups of people who live in the same community or work together, like a group of teachers. -Kerri Sorrells, Texans Credit Union, Richardson, Texas, $1.3 billion, 155,593 members. “A credit union pays higher interest on savings accounts and charges lower rates on loans.” – Mr. & Mrs. Hopkins, First Choice CU, West Palm Beach, Fla., $143 million, 20,000 members. “Yes, I am a part of the credit union. I am a member. I have a say in what I want. It's just like being a part of an electrical co-op.” -Lynda Smith, YOUR FCU, $150 million, 17,647 members. “I should know the difference, but honestly, I don't. I believe credit unions are related to educational institutions and some other types of institutions.” – Andrs Salazar Van Epp, United Nations FCU, New York, $2.1 billion, 68,972 members. “I do know credit unions are cooperatives while banks are owned by big, giant corporations.” – Ach Taboh, Arizona Central CU, Phoenix, Arizona Central CU, $411 million, 78,726 members . “I was with a bank for 20 years and it looks to me like the credit union treats the individual with fairness. That's not the case at a bank. I really had no clue of the differences between banks and credit unions. I simply like the way they have given me a second chance.” – Dave Ward, $1.9 billion Desert Schools FCU, Phoenix, 264,000 members. “As members, we're owners. We vote on who we can put in different positions. There's a more personal touch. You feel like you belong. At a bank, it seems you're there to just pay fees.” – Victoria Clegg,1st Choice Credit Union, Atlanta, Ga., $16 million, 8,116 members. “I don't think there really is a difference. The credit union offers better rates.” – H.A. Bunin, First Choice CU, West Palm Beach, Fla., $143 million, 20,000 members. Do You Use Any of Your Credit Union's Online Services? “I check my savings balance online.” -Don Voss, Arizona Central CU, Phoenix, $411 million, 78,726 members. “Their online banking has been a plus. My daughter has an account here so it makes it easy to send money. – David Bartel, Georgia FCU, Atlanta, Ga., $353 million, 76,393 members. “Yes. All the time. I check balances and transfer funds. I do some bill pay, but mostly just things like having Netflix paid directly out of my checking account. I haven't set it up to do my electric bill or things like that yet.” – Ernie Wiggins, Palmetto Citizens FCU, Columbia, S.C., $243 million, 39,700 members. “All the time. I go on every day, sometimes four times a day or so. I use a debit card a lot, so I need to do that to keep track of everything. I use the bill pay, too.” – Nancy Twohey, South Carolina State Credit Union Columbia, S.C., $334 million, 88,500 members. “Yes, account transfers, account reconciliation, CD renewals, credit card payments and balance information.” – Lynda Smith, YOUR FCU, $150 million, 17,647 members. “To pay bills and transfer funds.” – Mary Crossman Eastern Financial FCU, Miramar, Fla., $1.6 billion, 193,503 members. “Yes, account reconciliation, e-statement, account transfers, car loan payments.” -Kerri Sorrells,Texans Credit Union, Richardson, Texas, $1.3 billion, 155,593 members. “I do all my banking online. I canceled my paper statements, and I use their Web bill-pay service. All of my student loan payments come out automatically-I set that up electronically.” -Sam Roberts, Navy FCU, Vienna, Va., $22 billion, 2.5 million members. “No, I get a statement, and that's what I look at. But, I don't do that [online banking] with any of my other accounts either.” -Jennifer Flynn, People's Alliance FCU, Hauppauge, N.Y., $198 million, 45,297 members. “Not really. I mean to but I just don't use the computer at home enough.” – Evelyn Jones, Arlington FCU, Arlington, Va., $128 million, 13,500 members. “Yes I go online to pay bills, transfer balances and check my statements.” – Maria Chua, Eastern Financial FCU, Miramar, Fla., $1.6 billion, 193,503 members. “I'm not computer literate.” – Phyllis Gray, The Credit Union of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Fla., $74 million, 17,350 members. “I download that (VISA account information). I pay bills online rather than at the credit union.” – Richard McEntire, APL FCU, Laurel, Md., $236 million, 14,997 members. “I would have no problem banking online here, but I don't do anything online any more because someone stole some of my information. I'm old-school now.” -

Kiernan O'Brien, The Credit Union of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Fla., $74 million, 17,350 members.


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