WASHINGTON - The National Cooperative Business Association, which led the charge to get the .coop domain name for cooperatives, has yet to find a CU organization to become a founder and act as registrant for CUs and the new .coop domain, but it is having luck in other areas. The...
LEAWOOD, Kan. - Gold Banc Corp., a parent company of Gold Bank seems to think that a slogan is worth more than money too. The Kansas City bank has filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas claiming the CUNA's National CU Brand Campaign slogan...
ATLANTA - Surrounded by community banks, Georgia Federal Credit Union's Stockbridge branch in Henry County needed a way to gain visibility. The answer was found in a simple fortune cookie. Next to a Burger King on a busy street, this billboard will run for the next three months. According to...
WASHINGTON - "Don't let the Realtors limit consumer choice! Tell your members of Congress you want more competition in real estate," screams a pop up ad on the American Bankers Association Web site (www.aba.com). The ABA and others have been working recently to extend bankers powers into the real estate...
BROCKTON, Mass. - Talk about paying members to come in. Brockton Credit Union recently drew attention to its new full-service branch in Middleborough with a seven-foot tall "Money Tree" complete with artificial one, five and ten dollar bills. Twenty-two finalists submitted guesses on the amount of money growing on the...
NEW YORK - U.S. Banker has been taken to task for its criticism of credit unions' privacy policies and plans in an article printed in the June issue of the Thompson Publications magazine. In a letter to the editor from Peggy Wilson, director, corporate marketing communications for Bankers Systems Inc.,...
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Responding to needs of the growing immigrant population here, three credit unions will offer wire services so that members can send money back home to relatives and friends in Mexico, El Salvador and other countries. Western Credit Union Inc., OhioHealth Credit Union and Big Bear/Members First Credit...
There's still time to cast your vote for Credit Union Times' online voting poll at www.cutimes.com. This month's poll deals with CUNA's Renaissance Commission. Here is the question and results as of press time. The 96 suggestions from CUNA's Renaissance Commission are in as well as its vision statements. Which...